
Carti editura Cornell University Press

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Stoc epuizat
The age of reformation, vol. 1
The development of western civilization Epoca reformarii E. Harris Harbison
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1955
Numar pagini: 146
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Stoc epuizat
History and its objects
Antiquarianism an material culture since 1500 Istoria si obiectele ei Peter M. Miller
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 2017
Numar pagini: 300
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Stoc epuizat
Lyric Poetry
Beyond New Criticism Poezie lirica. Dincolo de noua critica Chavina Hosek (ed)
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1985
Numar pagini: 376
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Stoc epuizat
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit
Introducere in lectura lui Hegel. Prelegeri despre Fenomenologia Spiritului Alexandre Kojeve
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1969
Colectia: Agora Paperback Editions
Numar pagini: 288
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Stoc epuizat
Limits of the novel
Evolutions of a form from Chaucer to Robbe-Grillet David I. Grossvogel
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1971
Numar pagini: 348
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Stoc epuizat
The stubborn structure
Essays on criticism and society Northrop Frye
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1970
Numar pagini: 316
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Stoc epuizat
Caveats and critiques
Philosophical essays in laguage, logic and art Max Black
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1975
Numar pagini: 274
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Stoc epuizat
Secret Germany
Stefan George and his circle Germania secreta; Stefan George si cercul sau Robert E. Norton
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 2002
Numar pagini: 848
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Stoc epuizat
The religions of the Roman Empire
Religiile Imperiului Roman John Ferguson
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1976
Numar pagini: 296
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Stoc epuizat
The Greek way of death
Moartea in cultura greaca Robert Garland
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1988
Numar pagini: 192
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Stoc epuizat
Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution
Femeile si sfera publica in epoca Revolutiei Franceze Joan B. Landes
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1988
Numar pagini: 276
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Stoc epuizat
The Past Before Us
Contemporary Historical Writing In The United States Michael Kammen
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1980
Numar pagini: 524
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Stoc epuizat
Regulating Privacy
Data protection and public policy in Europe and the United States Reglementarea confidentialitatii Colin j. Bennett
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1992
Numar pagini: 264
Pe baza a 1 comentarii.
Stoc epuizat
The visionary company
A reading of english romantic poetry Compania vizionara Harold Bloom
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1971
Numar pagini: 466
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Stoc epuizat
The limits of imagination
Wordsworth, Yeats, and Stevens Helen Regueiro
Editura: Cornell University Press
Data aparitie: 1976
Numar pagini: 222
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